Monday, 8 December 2008

Mental health care call for ethnic minorities

Mental Health Foundation
Some black and minority ethnic groups are three or more times more likely than average to be admitted as inpatients to mental health services, according to a study by the Healthcare Commission published today.
Full article

Johnson pledges more help for 'silent minority'

Mental Health Foundation
The 10 million people suffering from a mental health problem at any one time are the country's largest silent minority, Health Secretary Alan Johnson said today.
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Economic worries are causing a mental health crisis – but help and support are available

Mental Health Foundation
Anxiety UK, the country’s largest anxiety disorders charity, has expressed great concern this week about the effects of the current economic crisis on the public’s mental health – but has also stressed that they can provide support to those struggling. This comes following the Conservative party’s estimate that the economic crisis could cause a 26% increase in mental health problems in the UK.
Full artcile

Thursday, 4 December 2008

Life Expectancy and All Age All Cause Mortality Monitoring (Overall and Health Inequalities) - Update to include data for 2007

Department of Health

The latest annual update on life expectancy data and all age all cause mortality rates, with data updated to 2005-07, which are used to monitor progress against Department of Health targets for overall life expectancy in England, and for the gap in life expectancy between the areas with the worst health and deprivation indicators (the Spearhead group) and the England average, was released on 13th November 2008 according to the arrangements approved by the UK Statistics Authority.

Full article

Prevention is still better than cure: planning for healthy communities

Planning Advisory Service
Concerns are mounting over current public health challenges such as obesity, cardiovascular diseases and other lifestyle-related health problems. This case study reports on successful initiatives councils are taking in creating health-promoting environments and contributing to the provision of health facilities.
Full article

Wednesday, 5 November 2008

Stress 'can lead to emotional disorders in children'

Mental Health Foundation
Children are more likely to develop emotional and behavioural disorders if they experience stressful events like bereavement, divorce or serious illness, a new study found
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Lots of close friends 'can help you feel happier'

Mental Health Foundation
Our happiness depends on the number of close friends we have, according to University of Nottingham research
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Call for more action to tackle stress in workplace

Mental Health Foundation
Stress or overwork are being reported to union safety reps in offices and factories across the UK, especially among the government's own employees
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Monday, 1 September 2008

Government neglecting young people's health warn Tories

Mental Health Foundation
The Tories warned that the number of teens being admitted to hospital for alcohol or smoking related problems has soared in England since 2000.
There has also been a sharp rise in the level of sexually transmitted infections and abortions, while nearly a third of children now start their teenage years overweight.
Full article

September 2008 - e-newsletter

National Library for Public Health
They have just published their monthly e-newsletter. This contains a list of updates to their library along with upcoming events from around the country.

Tuesday, 12 August 2008

Young teenagers 'cause parents greatest concern'

Mental Health Foundation
Nearly half of the people contacting a mental health charity's helpline about their children are parents of 12 to 16-year-olds, according to the organisation's latest statistics 06/08/2008
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Campaign highlights right to sex

Mental Health Foundation
A new campaign highlighting the rights of people with learning disabilities to sex and relationships was launched on 04/08/2008.
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Alcohol and Public Health Position Statement 2008

Faculty of Public Health
Alcohol and Public Health Position Statement 2008
Authors: FPH/ADPH Alcohol Reference Group
ISBN: 1 900273 32 3
This briefing describes the association between alcohol (and its misuse) and violence. It summarises the impact on individuals and society, as well as outlines the distinctive contribution public health can make to tackling this issue.