Friday, 11 December 2009

Location, location, location: making choice of place of birth a reality

National Childbirth Trust
The NCT believes that choice of place of birth should be provided for across all four countries of the UK. We also believe that this should be provided locally with the provision of objective information and support from health professionals.

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Health Visiting Matters

UK Public Health Association
A new report from the UK Public Health Association (UKPHA) launched makes five key recommendations aimed at creating a reinvigorated health visiting service which will promote and protect the health of families and children and reduce health inequalities.

Full text

Tuesday, 1 December 2009

Sex: worth talking about

NHS Choices
The government has launched a campaign to encourage young people to talk more openly about sex and contraception. The teenage pregnancy rate in the UK is Europe's highest and ministers want to change attitudes towards safer sex.

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