Friday, 3 April 2009

Health Action Planning and Health Facilitation for people with learning disabilities: good practice guidance

HM Government
In 2001, the Government published the white Paper for learning disabilities, Valuing People, which included specific targets relating to the health of people with learning disabilities, namely:
health facilitators to be identified for people with learning disabilities by spring 2003;
all people with learning disabilities to be registered with a GP by June 2004; and
all people with learning disabilities to have a health action plan by June 2005.
To support this, the department of Health issued detailed guidance for learning disability Partnership boards: Action for Health – Health Action Plans and Health Facilitation. In this guidance, a health action plan is described as:
‘the actions needed to maintain and improve the health of an individual and any help needed to accomplish these. It is a mechanism to link the individual and the range of services and supports they need if they are to have better health... the plan is primarily for the person with learning disabilities and is usually co-produced with them.’

Full Text

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