Tuesday, 15 September 2009

Sexually Transmitted Infections new data

Health Protection Agency
The Health Protection Agency has reported on the diagnosed cases of STIs. There has been a decrease in gonorrhoea infections of 11% in the UK, down from 18,649 in 2007 to 16,629 in 2006. This is the lowest number of new infections recorded since 1999.
Syphilis had a 4% decrease, from 2,633 from 2007 to 2,524 in 2008.
However, genital herpes increased by 10% from 26,270 cases in 2007 to 28,957 in 2008. Genital warts also increased in incidence by 3%, from 89,515 in 2007 to 92,525 in 2008.
Overall, STI incidence rose by 0.5% from 397,909 in 2007 to 399,738 in 2008. This was mostly due to the increase in gental warts and genital herpes.

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