National Childbirth Trust
The NCT believes that choice of place of birth should be provided for across all four countries of the UK. We also believe that this should be provided locally with the provision of objective information and support from health professionals.
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Friday, 11 December 2009
Health Visiting Matters
UK Public Health Association
A new report from the UK Public Health Association (UKPHA) launched makes five key recommendations aimed at creating a reinvigorated health visiting service which will promote and protect the health of families and children and reduce health inequalities.
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A new report from the UK Public Health Association (UKPHA) launched makes five key recommendations aimed at creating a reinvigorated health visiting service which will promote and protect the health of families and children and reduce health inequalities.
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Tuesday, 1 December 2009
Sex: worth talking about
NHS Choices
The government has launched a campaign to encourage young people to talk more openly about sex and contraception. The teenage pregnancy rate in the UK is Europe's highest and ministers want to change attitudes towards safer sex.
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The government has launched a campaign to encourage young people to talk more openly about sex and contraception. The teenage pregnancy rate in the UK is Europe's highest and ministers want to change attitudes towards safer sex.
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sexual health,
teenage pregnancy,
young people
Wednesday, 25 November 2009
Improving safety, reducing harm: children, young people and domestic violence: a practical toolkit for front-line practitioners
Department of Health
Domestic violence can have a devastating impact on children and young people, affecting their health, well being and development, as well as their educational achievement. This comprehensive toolkit for frontline professionals was developed to improve responses to a range of key issues affecting children and young people including domestic violence, bullying, sexual violence and gangs as well as child protection and risk assessments.
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Domestic violence can have a devastating impact on children and young people, affecting their health, well being and development, as well as their educational achievement. This comprehensive toolkit for frontline professionals was developed to improve responses to a range of key issues affecting children and young people including domestic violence, bullying, sexual violence and gangs as well as child protection and risk assessments.
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Domestic violence,
young people
Future health: sustainable places for health and well-being
Future health tells us how good design makes healthy places. It brings what CABE has learned about sustainable, health-promoting environments together with the latest thinking about health and well-being.
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Future health tells us how good design makes healthy places. It brings what CABE has learned about sustainable, health-promoting environments together with the latest thinking about health and well-being.
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Monday, 16 November 2009
Communities for health: unlocking the energy within communities to improve health
Department of Health
This document is the second report from the Communities for Health programme. It covers the two years since the publication of the report from the pilot phase of the programme, Communities for Health: Learning from the Pilots, in February 2007.
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This document is the second report from the Communities for Health programme. It covers the two years since the publication of the report from the pilot phase of the programme, Communities for Health: Learning from the Pilots, in February 2007.
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Health Inequalities,
public health
Healthy Child Programme: the two year review
Department of Health
The two year review aims to optimise child development and emotional wellbeing, and to reduce inequalities.. It provides practitioners, particularly health visitors, with information and tools to use with parents
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The two year review aims to optimise child development and emotional wellbeing, and to reduce inequalities.. It provides practitioners, particularly health visitors, with information and tools to use with parents
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Health Inequalities,
mental health
A civilized society: mental health for refugees and asylum-seekers in England and Wales
Mind is committed to inspiring the development of quality mental health services, which respond to the diverse needs of refugees and asylum-seekers. However, we know that refugees and asylum-seekers experience many difficulties in finding and accessing appropriate services.This aim of this report is to explore these difficulties in more detail and provide practical examples of how they are being overcome.
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Mind is committed to inspiring the development of quality mental health services, which respond to the diverse needs of refugees and asylum-seekers. However, we know that refugees and asylum-seekers experience many difficulties in finding and accessing appropriate services.This aim of this report is to explore these difficulties in more detail and provide practical examples of how they are being overcome.
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mental health,
public health,
Wednesday, 14 October 2009
Supporting learning disability partnership boards to implement the national Carers Strategy
Department of Health
This documant aims to tell Learning Disability Partnership Boards more about The National Carers Strategy called ‘Carers at the Heart of 21st Century Families and Communities’ and what to do to make sure that local plans for all carers include carers of people with learning disabilities and carers with a learning disability.
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This documant aims to tell Learning Disability Partnership Boards more about The National Carers Strategy called ‘Carers at the Heart of 21st Century Families and Communities’ and what to do to make sure that local plans for all carers include carers of people with learning disabilities and carers with a learning disability.
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2009 Annual evidence update on antenatal and pregnancy care
NHS Evidence
This Evidence Update builds on the accumulated knowledge-base and provides an up-to-date summary of the latest evidence in this area that has been subject to rigorous selection criteria.
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This Evidence Update builds on the accumulated knowledge-base and provides an up-to-date summary of the latest evidence in this area that has been subject to rigorous selection criteria.
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Monday, 5 October 2009
The Ripple Effect II; Two Years On
Leeds Voice
When Leeds Voice published the original Ripple Effect report in 2007 it provided a unique insight into the scale, scope and size of the third sector in Leeds. This attracted much comment and became a valuable reference document within the City. This is a revision of that piece of work.
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When Leeds Voice published the original Ripple Effect report in 2007 it provided a unique insight into the scale, scope and size of the third sector in Leeds. This attracted much comment and became a valuable reference document within the City. This is a revision of that piece of work.
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Health Inequalities,
Closing the gap: tackling cardiovascular disease and health inequalities by prescribing statins and stop smoking services
Care Quality Commission
The purpose of this national study across England is to contribute to the existing efforts to reduce inequalities in people’s health. The focus is on prescribing statins (drugs that lower cholesterol) and stop smoking services as part of wider prevention programmes to reduce inequalities in cardiovascular disease (CVD), the largest contributor to health inequalities.
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The purpose of this national study across England is to contribute to the existing efforts to reduce inequalities in people’s health. The focus is on prescribing statins (drugs that lower cholesterol) and stop smoking services as part of wider prevention programmes to reduce inequalities in cardiovascular disease (CVD), the largest contributor to health inequalities.
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Coronary disease,
Engaging public support for eradicating UK poverty
Joseph Rowntree Foundation
A summary of the findings from JRF's Public Interest in Poverty Issues programme, looking at attitudes to poverty and what influences them, and ways of building public support for tackling poverty.
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A summary of the findings from JRF's Public Interest in Poverty Issues programme, looking at attitudes to poverty and what influences them, and ways of building public support for tackling poverty.
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World Alzheimer Report 2009
Alzheimer's Disease International
The report presents the most comprehensive global prevalence study of dementia to date and looks at levels of mortality, disability, strain on carers and dependency.
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The report presents the most comprehensive global prevalence study of dementia to date and looks at levels of mortality, disability, strain on carers and dependency.
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Report published on tackling cardiovascular disease and health inequalities
Care Quality Commission
This new report is calling for a renewed drive to cut numbers of people with cardiovascular disease (CVD), which is responsible for one in three deaths in England. The report also highlights health inequalities between people in deprived areas and other parts of the country, of which CVD is the biggest cause.
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This new report is calling for a renewed drive to cut numbers of people with cardiovascular disease (CVD), which is responsible for one in three deaths in England. The report also highlights health inequalities between people in deprived areas and other parts of the country, of which CVD is the biggest cause.
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Coronary disease,
Health Inequalities,
Friday, 18 September 2009
Understanding the experiences of Asian fathers in Britain
Joseph Rowntree Foundation
This qualitative study, which draws on focus group discussions and interviews, captures the views of Bangladeshi Muslim, Pakistani Muslim, Gujarati Hindu and Punjabi Sikh fathers and mothers. The findings suggest that policies aimed at supporting Asian fathers appreciate and address a number of issues
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This qualitative study, which draws on focus group discussions and interviews, captures the views of Bangladeshi Muslim, Pakistani Muslim, Gujarati Hindu and Punjabi Sikh fathers and mothers. The findings suggest that policies aimed at supporting Asian fathers appreciate and address a number of issues
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Understanding fathering: masculinity, diversity and change
Joseph Rowntree Foundation
This research set out to investigate the parenting beliefs and practices of fathers from 29 'ordinary' two-parent families living in non-affluent neighbourhoods from four ethnic groups: White British, Black African, Black Caribbean and Pakistani.
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This research set out to investigate the parenting beliefs and practices of fathers from 29 'ordinary' two-parent families living in non-affluent neighbourhoods from four ethnic groups: White British, Black African, Black Caribbean and Pakistani.
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Tuesday, 15 September 2009
Moving forward: Progress and priorities - working together for high-quality sexual health
Department of Health
The Government response to 'Progress and Priorities - Working together for a high quality sexual health'.
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The Government response to 'Progress and Priorities - Working together for a high quality sexual health'.
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sexual health,
Workforce development
New initiative to identify violence against women
Home Office
The Home Office has created a new task force of health professionals, NHS managers, and representatives from the Public, Social services, and voluntary sectors as a response to the 'Violence against Women and Girls' consultation that began im March 2009. The taskforce will work to spot early signs of violence and abuse against women and girls, investigate the scale of the problem and to ensure that victims across the NHS get the support they need.
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The Home Office has created a new task force of health professionals, NHS managers, and representatives from the Public, Social services, and voluntary sectors as a response to the 'Violence against Women and Girls' consultation that began im March 2009. The taskforce will work to spot early signs of violence and abuse against women and girls, investigate the scale of the problem and to ensure that victims across the NHS get the support they need.
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Sexually Transmitted Infections new data
Health Protection Agency
The Health Protection Agency has reported on the diagnosed cases of STIs. There has been a decrease in gonorrhoea infections of 11% in the UK, down from 18,649 in 2007 to 16,629 in 2006. This is the lowest number of new infections recorded since 1999.
Syphilis had a 4% decrease, from 2,633 from 2007 to 2,524 in 2008.
However, genital herpes increased by 10% from 26,270 cases in 2007 to 28,957 in 2008. Genital warts also increased in incidence by 3%, from 89,515 in 2007 to 92,525 in 2008.
Overall, STI incidence rose by 0.5% from 397,909 in 2007 to 399,738 in 2008. This was mostly due to the increase in gental warts and genital herpes.
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The Health Protection Agency has reported on the diagnosed cases of STIs. There has been a decrease in gonorrhoea infections of 11% in the UK, down from 18,649 in 2007 to 16,629 in 2006. This is the lowest number of new infections recorded since 1999.
Syphilis had a 4% decrease, from 2,633 from 2007 to 2,524 in 2008.
However, genital herpes increased by 10% from 26,270 cases in 2007 to 28,957 in 2008. Genital warts also increased in incidence by 3%, from 89,515 in 2007 to 92,525 in 2008.
Overall, STI incidence rose by 0.5% from 397,909 in 2007 to 399,738 in 2008. This was mostly due to the increase in gental warts and genital herpes.
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Monday, 14 September 2009
Engaging, Involving and Empowering Communities
Harmonious Leeds
A workshop held for two days on the 29th September and the 6th October. It is for Community Development Practitioners who are interested in sharing their expertise in community development and examples of good practice with local authority officers, with the aim of improving the way councils to engage with and involve communities.
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A workshop held for two days on the 29th September and the 6th October. It is for Community Development Practitioners who are interested in sharing their expertise in community development and examples of good practice with local authority officers, with the aim of improving the way councils to engage with and involve communities.
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public health,
Workforce development
Tuesday, 8 September 2009
Psychiatric services for black and minority ethnic older people
Royal College of Psychiatrists
This document looks at the mental health needs of Black and minority ethnic older people and the psychiatric services offered to this group, focusing on the main changes that have occurred since the publication of the original College report CR103 (Royal College of Psychiatrists, 2001).
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This document looks at the mental health needs of Black and minority ethnic older people and the psychiatric services offered to this group, focusing on the main changes that have occurred since the publication of the original College report CR103 (Royal College of Psychiatrists, 2001).
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Birth drugs ‘cut breastfeeding’
September is the new January
Department of Health
English drinkers vow to cut back after holiday boozing. Drinkers in England drank an average eight alcoholic drinks every day during their summer holiday this year, a new survey from the Know Your Limits campaign revealed today.
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English drinkers vow to cut back after holiday boozing. Drinkers in England drank an average eight alcoholic drinks every day during their summer holiday this year, a new survey from the Know Your Limits campaign revealed today.
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public health,
Leeds Health and Wellbeing Partnership Plan 2009 - 2012
Healthy Leeds
This plan is part of the broader Leeds Strategic Plan, based on the outcomes and priorities agreed with our partners and shaped by local people.
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This plan is part of the broader Leeds Strategic Plan, based on the outcomes and priorities agreed with our partners and shaped by local people.
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Health Inequalities,
public health
Friday, 28 August 2009
Is popcorn good for you?
NHS Choices
Popcorn and breakfast cereals may contain ‘surprisingly large’ servings of healthy antioxidants, reported The Guardian newspaper.
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Popcorn and breakfast cereals may contain ‘surprisingly large’ servings of healthy antioxidants, reported The Guardian newspaper.
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School lunch 'fresh better than frozen' claim misconceived
Local Authority Caterers Association
A new scientific report on school lunches has debunked the common assumption that 'fresh' food has greater nutritional value than frozen.
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A new scientific report on school lunches has debunked the common assumption that 'fresh' food has greater nutritional value than frozen.
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Quality assurance,
Key facts and trends in Mental Health
The NHS Confederation
This fact sheet outlines some of the key available data relating to mental health, including:
key trends in morbidity and behaviour; wider societal changes and challenges; NHS budget and spending trends; service activity; quality, safety and user experience; staffing levels and staff satisfaction.
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This fact sheet outlines some of the key available data relating to mental health, including:
key trends in morbidity and behaviour; wider societal changes and challenges; NHS budget and spending trends; service activity; quality, safety and user experience; staffing levels and staff satisfaction.
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Assessing complementary practice: building consensus on appropriate research methods
The King's Fund
This report considers the difficulties of assessing the effectiveness of complementary practice. Despite the increasing popularity and use of complementary practice, the evidence base is small. Lack of research and lack of agreement on research methods has led to criticism from branches of conventional medicine.
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This report considers the difficulties of assessing the effectiveness of complementary practice. Despite the increasing popularity and use of complementary practice, the evidence base is small. Lack of research and lack of agreement on research methods has led to criticism from branches of conventional medicine.
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Complementary medicine,
Quality assurance,
Poor cancer symptom awareness
Patient Information Forum
One in seven people cannot name a single symptom of cancer, according to a Cancer Research UK survey published this week. Of nearly 4,000 people questioned, 19 per cent of men and 10 per cent of women said they did not know any symptoms that could be a sign of the disease.
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One in seven people cannot name a single symptom of cancer, according to a Cancer Research UK survey published this week. Of nearly 4,000 people questioned, 19 per cent of men and 10 per cent of women said they did not know any symptoms that could be a sign of the disease.
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Child leukemia genes found
NHS Evidence
A study has found particular gene mutations that put children at a higher risk of leukaemia, newspapers have reported.
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A study has found particular gene mutations that put children at a higher risk of leukaemia, newspapers have reported.
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Chemotherapy services in England: ensuring quality and safety
Department of Health
The aim of this report is to bring about a step change in the quality and safety of chemotherapy services for adult patients with either solid cancers or haematological malignancies. The report sets out a framework for planning, implementing and monitoring services based on a care pathway model and the proposed actions that need to be taken by commissioners and providers to ensure high quality care.
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The aim of this report is to bring about a step change in the quality and safety of chemotherapy services for adult patients with either solid cancers or haematological malignancies. The report sets out a framework for planning, implementing and monitoring services based on a care pathway model and the proposed actions that need to be taken by commissioners and providers to ensure high quality care.
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Quality assurance
Chinese herb shows promise for arthritis
British Medical Journal Group
A herbal remedy used for centuries in China can improve the pain and inflammation of rheumatoid arthritis, according to a new study.
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A herbal remedy used for centuries in China can improve the pain and inflammation of rheumatoid arthritis, according to a new study.
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Complementary medicine,
Sudden infant deaths “tumbling”
Legal highs set to be banned
Behind the Headlines - Spotting ovarian cancer
NHS Evidence
A study suggests that “women with ovarian cancer are dying because GPs are failing to detect the early signs of the disease”, The Times warned. It said that a study suggests family doctors may be overlooking a main symptom, a distended abdomen, because it is not included in the guidance for urgent investigation.
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A study suggests that “women with ovarian cancer are dying because GPs are failing to detect the early signs of the disease”, The Times warned. It said that a study suggests family doctors may be overlooking a main symptom, a distended abdomen, because it is not included in the guidance for urgent investigation.
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Campaign for smarter drinking
Patient Information Forum
Britain’s drinks industry has announced a £100 million social marketing campaign aimed at encouraging more responsible drinking among young adults and shifting attitudes towards drunkenness
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Britain’s drinks industry has announced a £100 million social marketing campaign aimed at encouraging more responsible drinking among young adults and shifting attitudes towards drunkenness
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Social issues,
social marketing
'Nanobees' for cancer
NHS Evidence
It said that scientists have developed microscopic “bees” carrying melittin (the poison that causes the pain of stings) that can target cancer cells. The nanobees, which were tested in mice, slowed the growth of breast tumours and shrank skin cancer tumours.
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It said that scientists have developed microscopic “bees” carrying melittin (the poison that causes the pain of stings) that can target cancer cells. The nanobees, which were tested in mice, slowed the growth of breast tumours and shrank skin cancer tumours.
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Cancer incidence and survival by major ethnic group
Cancer Research UK
The primary aim of this report was to identify cancers for which BME groups were at greater risk than the White ethnic group; and to determine if BME groups had poorer outcomes than the White ethnic group. The report covers patients diagnosed in England in the period 2002-2006.
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The primary aim of this report was to identify cancers for which BME groups were at greater risk than the White ethnic group; and to determine if BME groups had poorer outcomes than the White ethnic group. The report covers patients diagnosed in England in the period 2002-2006.
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Black and minority ethnic groups,
Food Route – a new lesson on food
Food Standards Agency
The Agency has published a new range of resources to enable young people to gain essential food-related skills and knowledge.
'Food route: a journey through food' is a range of colourful age-appropriate workbooks designed and developed to bring the Agency's food competences to life. The materials are supported by teachers' user guides and downloadable certificates, which can be awarded on completion of the various activities.
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The Agency has published a new range of resources to enable young people to gain essential food-related skills and knowledge.
'Food route: a journey through food' is a range of colourful age-appropriate workbooks designed and developed to bring the Agency's food competences to life. The materials are supported by teachers' user guides and downloadable certificates, which can be awarded on completion of the various activities.
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young people
Monday, 10 August 2009
Depression in women may be in the genes
Mental Health Foundation
Women are twice as likely as men to develop depression, according to US researchers, who suggest that at least part of this increased susceptibility may be down to genetic differences.
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Women are twice as likely as men to develop depression, according to US researchers, who suggest that at least part of this increased susceptibility may be down to genetic differences.
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mental health,
Wednesday, 5 August 2009
We’re all in this together: improving the long-term health of the nation
Public Health Commission
This report is the shared vision of a diverse group of experts. It's chapers include: educate, improving what we eat and drink, eat and drink appropriate quantities and increase activity, maximise prevention while maintaining cure, evaluate for continuous improvement, build genuine partnerships, and specific response to the Responsibility Deal
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This report is the shared vision of a diverse group of experts. It's chapers include: educate, improving what we eat and drink, eat and drink appropriate quantities and increase activity, maximise prevention while maintaining cure, evaluate for continuous improvement, build genuine partnerships, and specific response to the Responsibility Deal
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public health,
Mothers’ experiences of bottle-feeding: a systematic review of qualitative and quantitative studies
British Medical Journal
Most babies receive at least some formula milk. Variations in formula-feeding practices can have both short- and long-term health consequences. The literature on parents’ experiences of bottle-feeding was systematically reviewed to understand how formula-feeding decisions are made.
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Most babies receive at least some formula milk. Variations in formula-feeding practices can have both short- and long-term health consequences. The literature on parents’ experiences of bottle-feeding was systematically reviewed to understand how formula-feeding decisions are made.
Full Text (You will need an Athens account to access the full text article)
Friday, 24 July 2009
New cervical cancer campaign
Department of Health
There will be a new drive to ensure GPs spot cervical cancer symptoms earlier in young women and refer patients correctly. The review, carried out by the independent Advisory Committee on Cervical Screening (ACCS) reported concern that young women who present to their GPs with cervical cancer symptoms are not always being given appropriate advice and have recommended immediate action in this area.
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There will be a new drive to ensure GPs spot cervical cancer symptoms earlier in young women and refer patients correctly. The review, carried out by the independent Advisory Committee on Cervical Screening (ACCS) reported concern that young women who present to their GPs with cervical cancer symptoms are not always being given appropriate advice and have recommended immediate action in this area.
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NICE issues guidance to help healthcare professionals identify child maltreatment
NICE has issued guidance to help healthcare professionals to identify children who may have been maltreated. The guidance provides a summary of alerting features that should prompt a healthcare professional to consider, suspect or exclude child maltreatment. Child maltreatment includes neglect, physical, sexual and emotional abuse, and fabricated or induced illness.
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NICE has issued guidance to help healthcare professionals to identify children who may have been maltreated. The guidance provides a summary of alerting features that should prompt a healthcare professional to consider, suspect or exclude child maltreatment. Child maltreatment includes neglect, physical, sexual and emotional abuse, and fabricated or induced illness.
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The Marmot Review: strategic review of health inequalities
University College London
An interim report on the evidence and emerging themes of the independent strategic review of health inequalities post 2010, led by Professor Sir Michael Marmot, has been published for consultation. Comments must be submitted by 5 August 2009.
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An interim report on the evidence and emerging themes of the independent strategic review of health inequalities post 2010, led by Professor Sir Michael Marmot, has been published for consultation. Comments must be submitted by 5 August 2009.
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Swine flu: UK planning assumptions
Department of Health
This document contains revised planning assumptions in relation to the current swine flu pandemic. The assumptions are intended to assist local planning across all public and private sector organisations. Planning assumptions are for both pan-UK and local areas, to take account of the potential variation in epidemic profile from one local area to another
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This document contains revised planning assumptions in relation to the current swine flu pandemic. The assumptions are intended to assist local planning across all public and private sector organisations. Planning assumptions are for both pan-UK and local areas, to take account of the potential variation in epidemic profile from one local area to another
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Safeguarding disabled children: practice guidance
Department of Children, Schools and Families
This practice guidance makes clear that disabled children have exactly the
same human rights to be safe from abuse and neglect, to be protected from
harm and achieve the Every Child Matters outcomes as non-disabled children.
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This practice guidance makes clear that disabled children have exactly the
same human rights to be safe from abuse and neglect, to be protected from
harm and achieve the Every Child Matters outcomes as non-disabled children.
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learning disabilities
First ever national statistics to measure school food uptake
Department of Children, Schools and Families
These new figures, published by the School Food Trust, give for the first time a comprehensive picture of school meal take-up across the country.
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These new figures, published by the School Food Trust, give for the first time a comprehensive picture of school meal take-up across the country.
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Tuesday, 7 July 2009
Healthy Leeds Newsletter summer 2009
Healthy Leeds
The summer edition of the Healthy Leeds newsletter is available to download now.
Full Text
The summer edition of the Healthy Leeds newsletter is available to download now.
Full Text
public health
Health needs annual evidence update 2009
NHS Evidence
The 2009 Annual Evidence Update has focused on five key themes relating to the health needs of people with learning disabilities, which are cancer, coronary heart disease, challenging behaviour, epilepsy, and respiratory illness.
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The 2009 Annual Evidence Update has focused on five key themes relating to the health needs of people with learning disabilities, which are cancer, coronary heart disease, challenging behaviour, epilepsy, and respiratory illness.
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learning disabilities,
NHS Evidence
Transforming community services quality framework: guidance for community services
Department of Health
The ambition to make ‘everywhere as good as the best’, delivering real improvements in quality, innovation and productivity is the over-arching goal of the Transforming Community Services (TCS) Programme.
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The ambition to make ‘everywhere as good as the best’, delivering real improvements in quality, innovation and productivity is the over-arching goal of the Transforming Community Services (TCS) Programme.
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Ongoing FDA Safety Review of Association between Stimulants used for ADHD and Sudden Death in Children
In the past, concern had been raised that the use of stimulants in patients with attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and underlying heart disease may increase risk for sudden cardiac death. A newly published study has reported an association between stimulant use and risk of sudden death in children and adolescents without known cardiac risk factors.
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In the past, concern had been raised that the use of stimulants in patients with attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and underlying heart disease may increase risk for sudden cardiac death. A newly published study has reported an association between stimulant use and risk of sudden death in children and adolescents without known cardiac risk factors.
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heart health,
young people
Heatwave Alert Warnng Raised
Department of Health
The Met Office has raised the heatwave warning alert again today on behalf of the Department of Health.
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The Met Office has raised the heatwave warning alert again today on behalf of the Department of Health.
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Moving on Up
Mental Health Foundation
This report from the Mental Health Foundation reveals the barriers that are preventing patients with mild or moderate depression from accessing exercise on prescription.
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This report from the Mental Health Foundation reveals the barriers that are preventing patients with mild or moderate depression from accessing exercise on prescription.
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mental health,
service improvement
Monday, 6 July 2009
Vegetarians get less cancer
NHS Choices
Vegetarians are less likely to develop cancer than meat eaters, according to several newspapers. The findings come from the pooled results of two large studies, which looked at cancer rates and dietary habits in 61,566 people.
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Vegetarians are less likely to develop cancer than meat eaters, according to several newspapers. The findings come from the pooled results of two large studies, which looked at cancer rates and dietary habits in 61,566 people.
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Tuesday, 30 June 2009
Supporting People with Autism Through Adulthood
National Audit Office
This report examines the effectiveness of support services to adults with autism and their carers in England, including health and social care, education, benefits and employment support.
There is a DVD available which illustrates the points made in this document. Its content can be viewed here and copies of the DVD can be obtained via
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This report examines the effectiveness of support services to adults with autism and their carers in England, including health and social care, education, benefits and employment support.
There is a DVD available which illustrates the points made in this document. Its content can be viewed here and copies of the DVD can be obtained via
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Leeds Learning Disability Strategy 2009-2012
Healthy Leeds
This three-year strategy was launched on the 26th June. The document is available in easy read and full text versions. It provides a clear strategic direction for the support and services for people with learning disabilities in Leeds. It identifies clear objectives and actions for the next three years for how to make this strategy a reality.
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This three-year strategy was launched on the 26th June. The document is available in easy read and full text versions. It provides a clear strategic direction for the support and services for people with learning disabilities in Leeds. It identifies clear objectives and actions for the next three years for how to make this strategy a reality.
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learning disabilities,
The Great British Duck Race 2009
On the 6th September, the Great British Duck Race 2009 takes place. Individual plastic ducks are released to race on the Thames, and the winning duck's owner will receive £10,000!
Ducks can be purchased through the event website for the price of £2 per duck, with the option to donate more. All income from the donations will be allocated to the Child's Voice Appeal.
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On the 6th September, the Great British Duck Race 2009 takes place. Individual plastic ducks are released to race on the Thames, and the winning duck's owner will receive £10,000!
Ducks can be purchased through the event website for the price of £2 per duck, with the option to donate more. All income from the donations will be allocated to the Child's Voice Appeal.
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Child protection,
Thursday, 25 June 2009
Attitudes to mental illness 2009
Department of Health
This report presents the findings of a survey of attitudes towards mental illness among adults in England. The aim of these surveys is to monitor public attitudes towards mental illness, and to track changes over time.
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This report presents the findings of a survey of attitudes towards mental illness among adults in England. The aim of these surveys is to monitor public attitudes towards mental illness, and to track changes over time.
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mental health,
Social issues
Tackling health inequalities: targeting routine and manual smokers in support of the Public Service Agreement smoking prevalence and health inequality
Department of Health
This paper acknowledges that stop smoking services will play a prominent part in supporting smokers in the R&M group to quit. However, it advocates placing stop smoking services in the correct context as part of an overall approach to tobacco control.
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This paper acknowledges that stop smoking services will play a prominent part in supporting smokers in the R&M group to quit. However, it advocates placing stop smoking services in the correct context as part of an overall approach to tobacco control.
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Health Inequalities,
Tuesday, 23 June 2009
Cancer Research UK's June Podcast
Cancer Research UK
In this month's podcast we discover that quitting smoking can leave you not just healthier and wealthier but happier too. Also in the news, how new results could pave the way for tailored treatment for ovarian cancer.
Plus, we hear about a potential screening test for oesophageal cancer, and important progress in pancreatic cancer research.
Listen to the Podcast
In this month's podcast we discover that quitting smoking can leave you not just healthier and wealthier but happier too. Also in the news, how new results could pave the way for tailored treatment for ovarian cancer.
Plus, we hear about a potential screening test for oesophageal cancer, and important progress in pancreatic cancer research.
Listen to the Podcast
Network Voice spring-summer 2009
Leeds Voice
The newsletter for the spring-summer quarter. It contains articles about the Children and Young People's Forum, the climate change strategy for Leeds, and the progression of the Third Sector Together development.
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The newsletter for the spring-summer quarter. It contains articles about the Children and Young People's Forum, the climate change strategy for Leeds, and the progression of the Third Sector Together development.
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Monday, 22 June 2009
National Obesity Observatory May 2009 Newsletter
National Obesity Observatory
Welcome to the second issue of NOO News – the newsletter from the National Obesity Observatory (NOO). This newsletter is produced twice a year for practitioners and other professionals working in obesity and related fields.
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Welcome to the second issue of NOO News – the newsletter from the National Obesity Observatory (NOO). This newsletter is produced twice a year for practitioners and other professionals working in obesity and related fields.
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2009 Annual evidence update – Drugs – Drugs misuse treatment in offender populations
NHS Evidence
This evidence update covers drugs misuse treatments in the offender population. As it is the first AEU, the period it covers is wider. Evidence is presented from January 2005 to March 2009.
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This evidence update covers drugs misuse treatments in the offender population. As it is the first AEU, the period it covers is wider. Evidence is presented from January 2005 to March 2009.
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Consultation: Prevention of type 2 diabetes - preventing pre-diabetes
NHS Evidence
NICE is developing public health programme guidance on the prevention of type 2 diabetes: preventing pre-diabetes among high-risk groups.
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There is also more information about the consultation available here
NICE is developing public health programme guidance on the prevention of type 2 diabetes: preventing pre-diabetes among high-risk groups.
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There is also more information about the consultation available here
public health
Pregnancy and the flu: A link to schizophrenia
Mental Health Foundation
When mothers become infected with influenza during their pregnancy, it may increase the risk for schizophrenia in their offspring. Influenza is a very common virus and so there has been substantial concern about this association. A new study in the June 15th issue of Biological Psychiatry, published by Elsevier suggests that the observed association depends upon a pre-existing vulnerability in the fetus.
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When mothers become infected with influenza during their pregnancy, it may increase the risk for schizophrenia in their offspring. Influenza is a very common virus and so there has been substantial concern about this association. A new study in the June 15th issue of Biological Psychiatry, published by Elsevier suggests that the observed association depends upon a pre-existing vulnerability in the fetus.
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mental health,
Teenagers - find out if you are healthy
Mental Health Foundation
A free, online lifestyle self-assessment service to help teenagersimprove their health and wellbeing is being rolled out nationally by theDepartment of Health today. NHS Teen LifeCheck uses an engaging and interactive quiz to offer healthand lifestyle information to 12-15 year olds.
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Access the NHS Teen LifeCheck here
A free, online lifestyle self-assessment service to help teenagersimprove their health and wellbeing is being rolled out nationally by theDepartment of Health today. NHS Teen LifeCheck uses an engaging and interactive quiz to offer healthand lifestyle information to 12-15 year olds.
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Access the NHS Teen LifeCheck here
mental health,
young people
Change4Life - LIVE
Active Leeds
The Change4Life LIVE is a regional event happening at the Doncaster Racecource on June the 24th. It is for everyone who is involved in working in obesity, food and physical activity and who are promoting the Change4Life principles in the Yorkshire and Humber region. It will have interactive workshops and many other activities happening throughout the day, these include Wii fit Challenges, Health walks and outdoor activities.
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The Change4Life LIVE is a regional event happening at the Doncaster Racecource on June the 24th. It is for everyone who is involved in working in obesity, food and physical activity and who are promoting the Change4Life principles in the Yorkshire and Humber region. It will have interactive workshops and many other activities happening throughout the day, these include Wii fit Challenges, Health walks and outdoor activities.
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Eating habits,
Symptoms of depression in obese children linked to eleveated cortisol levels
Mental Health Foundation
A new study connects abnormalities of the "stress" hormone cortisol with symptoms of depression in obese children, and confirms that obesity and depression often occur together, even in children.
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A new study connects abnormalities of the "stress" hormone cortisol with symptoms of depression in obese children, and confirms that obesity and depression often occur together, even in children.
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mental health,
Friday, 19 June 2009
Leeds Initiative Newsletter, spring-summer 2009
Leeds Initiative
This is the latest edition of the Leeds Initiative's newsletter. It includes articles on the expansion of The Friday Night Project, Leeds climate change strategy, and a Healthy Workplaces Toolkit.
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This is the latest edition of the Leeds Initiative's newsletter. It includes articles on the expansion of The Friday Night Project, Leeds climate change strategy, and a Healthy Workplaces Toolkit.
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Wednesday, 10 June 2009
Prevention in Practice - Service models, methods and impact
Age Concern
The purpose of this document is to promote solutions and practical examples of effective care and support services and the self reported needs of older people.
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The purpose of this document is to promote solutions and practical examples of effective care and support services and the self reported needs of older people.
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Monday, 8 June 2009
Diabetes in the UK 2009: Key statistics on diabetes. June 2009
Diabetes UK
This report looks at diabetes in the UK today. It contains statistics about who is affected and how.
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This report looks at diabetes in the UK today. It contains statistics about who is affected and how.
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Research links vitamin D with dementia protection
Mental Health Foundation
Vitamin D could boost brain function and offer protection from dementia, research suggests.
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Vitamin D could boost brain function and offer protection from dementia, research suggests.
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mental health,
Friday, 5 June 2009
Primary care service framework: Gypsies and Travellers
Primary Care Contracting
This PCSF has been developed to assist commissioners in ensuring that Gypsy and Traveller communities are able to access mainstream primary care. It may be used to assist PCTs to design new services or to adapt or front-end existing ones to make them accessible.
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This PCSF has been developed to assist commissioners in ensuring that Gypsy and Traveller communities are able to access mainstream primary care. It may be used to assist PCTs to design new services or to adapt or front-end existing ones to make them accessible.
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Tuesday, 2 June 2009
PHCN Newsletter April 2009
Public Health Commissioning Network
This newsletter briefly summarises the progress in setting up a national network of commissioners for England.
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This newsletter briefly summarises the progress in setting up a national network of commissioners for England.
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public health
Monday, 1 June 2009
The Paddington Alcohol Test - 2009
The College of Emergency Medicine
The Paddington Alcohol Test is a clinical and therapeutic tool to ‘make the connection’ between Emergency Department attendance and drinking alcohol. It was specifically developed for use in busy Emergency Departments to make best use of the "Opportunistic Teachable Moment".
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The Paddington Alcohol Test is a clinical and therapeutic tool to ‘make the connection’ between Emergency Department attendance and drinking alcohol. It was specifically developed for use in busy Emergency Departments to make best use of the "Opportunistic Teachable Moment".
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Hospital Admissions,
Elderly population across Europe past, present and future
Office of Health Economics
This briefing looks at how the population is ageing in the largest EU member states and in the EU overall.
Populations in virtually every country in the world are living longer, which is indeed good news but this has consequences for health care and pensions especially, as the older populations use more of these services.
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This briefing looks at how the population is ageing in the largest EU member states and in the EU overall.
Populations in virtually every country in the world are living longer, which is indeed good news but this has consequences for health care and pensions especially, as the older populations use more of these services.
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Incidence trends for childhood type 1 diabetes in Europe during 1989—2003 and predicted new cases 2005—20: a multicentre prospective registration stud
The Lancet
28th May 2009
It is already known that type 1 diabetes in children is on the rise. This paper quantifies this increase in incidence in 17 European countries over a 25-year period. The authors then use this data to estimate that by 2020, the incidence of diabetes could increase by 50% in children under 5-years and as much as 70% in children under 15-years meaning that many more children will need access to health care services - a useful point for health policy makers to note.
For full text, contact the NHS Leeds Libraries
28th May 2009
It is already known that type 1 diabetes in children is on the rise. This paper quantifies this increase in incidence in 17 European countries over a 25-year period. The authors then use this data to estimate that by 2020, the incidence of diabetes could increase by 50% in children under 5-years and as much as 70% in children under 15-years meaning that many more children will need access to health care services - a useful point for health policy makers to note.
For full text, contact the NHS Leeds Libraries
Friday, 29 May 2009
Feeling Good: Health information for children and young people
Child cancer survivors face increased cancer risk later in life
Cancer Research UK
People who survived cancer during childhood continue to have a slightly higher risk of developing cancer throughout their lifetime, a Danish study has found.
Scientists at the Institute of Cancer Epidemiology in Copenhagen studied data on 47,697 people in the Nordic countries between 1943 and 2005, all of whom had been diagnosed with cancer before the age of 20 years.
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People who survived cancer during childhood continue to have a slightly higher risk of developing cancer throughout their lifetime, a Danish study has found.
Scientists at the Institute of Cancer Epidemiology in Copenhagen studied data on 47,697 people in the Nordic countries between 1943 and 2005, all of whom had been diagnosed with cancer before the age of 20 years.
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Thursday, 28 May 2009
Reviews published on primary care information for the public
Health Service Management Centre
HSMC has recently completed a series of evidence reviews exploring the provision of public information about the quality of primary care services. Each review addresses a specific question including: what information about the quality of primary care services do patients and the public want; which information formats are most accessible and effective; and how can information be presented to empower patients to make an informed choice of primary care provider?
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HSMC has recently completed a series of evidence reviews exploring the provision of public information about the quality of primary care services. Each review addresses a specific question including: what information about the quality of primary care services do patients and the public want; which information formats are most accessible and effective; and how can information be presented to empower patients to make an informed choice of primary care provider?
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primary care services,
service improvement
Low back pain: early management of persistent non-specific low back pain
National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence
This guideline covers the early treatment and management of persistent or recurrent low back pain, defined as non-specific low back pain that has lasted for more than 6 weeks, but for less than 12 months. It does not address the management of severe disabling low back pain that has lasted over 12 months.
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This guideline covers the early treatment and management of persistent or recurrent low back pain, defined as non-specific low back pain that has lasted for more than 6 weeks, but for less than 12 months. It does not address the management of severe disabling low back pain that has lasted over 12 months.
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Complementary medicine,
Mental Health First Aid
Mental Health First Aid - Yorkshire and the Humber
To promote mental health in and out of the workplace, Community Links is delivering Mental Health First Aid training throughout Yorkshire and the Humber. This is achieved via a two day, nationally recognised training course aimed at all sections of the public.
This is aimed at those with little or no knowledge of mental health issues.
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To promote mental health in and out of the workplace, Community Links is delivering Mental Health First Aid training throughout Yorkshire and the Humber. This is achieved via a two day, nationally recognised training course aimed at all sections of the public.
This is aimed at those with little or no knowledge of mental health issues.
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mental health,
Workforce development
Government response to the Health Select Committee Report on Health Inequalities
Department of Health
The House of Commons Select Committee published its report on health inequalities on Sunday 15 March 2009. This Command Paper sets out the Government’s response to the conclusions and recommendations of that report.
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The House of Commons Select Committee published its report on health inequalities on Sunday 15 March 2009. This Command Paper sets out the Government’s response to the conclusions and recommendations of that report.
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Health Inequalities,
Workforce development
Department of Health Swine Flu Statement
Department of Health
One patient in England has today been confirmed with swine flu. The newly confirmed case is an adult returning traveller from the East Midlands region. This brings the total confirmed cases in the UK to 185.
The localised cases of swine flu found in the UK have so far been mild, and we have not seen evidence of widespread community transmission.
Our strategy to slow the spread with anti-virals appears to have been effective in reducing symptoms and preventing further spread of infection.
But we must not be complacent — it is right to prepare for the possibility of a global pandemic. The UK's arrangements are continuing to ensure that we are well-placed to deal with this new infection.
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One patient in England has today been confirmed with swine flu. The newly confirmed case is an adult returning traveller from the East Midlands region. This brings the total confirmed cases in the UK to 185.
The localised cases of swine flu found in the UK have so far been mild, and we have not seen evidence of widespread community transmission.
Our strategy to slow the spread with anti-virals appears to have been effective in reducing symptoms and preventing further spread of infection.
But we must not be complacent — it is right to prepare for the possibility of a global pandemic. The UK's arrangements are continuing to ensure that we are well-placed to deal with this new infection.
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National Library for Public Health e-Newsletter
NHS Evidence
This is the May edition of the National Library for Public Health newsletter.
The purpose of this newsletter is to highlight new additions to the library and any special pieces of work we have done.
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This is the May edition of the National Library for Public Health newsletter.
The purpose of this newsletter is to highlight new additions to the library and any special pieces of work we have done.
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public health
Tuesday, 26 May 2009
Statistics on Alcohol, England 2009
NHS Information Centre
This statistical report presents a range of information on alcohol use and misuse drawn together from a variety of published sources and presented in a user friendly format.
The report aims to present a broad picture of health issues relating to alcohol in England and covers topics such as drinking habits and behaviours among adults and school children, drinking related ill health and mortality, affordability of alcohol and alcohol related costs.
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This statistical report presents a range of information on alcohol use and misuse drawn together from a variety of published sources and presented in a user friendly format.
The report aims to present a broad picture of health issues relating to alcohol in England and covers topics such as drinking habits and behaviours among adults and school children, drinking related ill health and mortality, affordability of alcohol and alcohol related costs.
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Social issues
Heatwave Plan
Department of Health
The Plan’s purpose is to enhance resilience in the event of a heatwave. It is an important component of overall emergency planning and will become increasingly relevant in adapting to the impact of climate change.
The Plan sets out the arrangements that will apply, and the actions required, in advance of, and during, a heatwave.
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The Plan’s purpose is to enhance resilience in the event of a heatwave. It is an important component of overall emergency planning and will become increasingly relevant in adapting to the impact of climate change.
The Plan sets out the arrangements that will apply, and the actions required, in advance of, and during, a heatwave.
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Emergency care,
Health protection,
Sun protection
The Spread of HIV around Europe Mapped
BBC News
Scientists who have mapped HIV's spread across Europe say holidaymakers infected abroad are largely to blame.
By analysing samples from 17 European countries, the international team tracked the movement of the virus around the continent.
Their map shows Greece, Portugal, Serbia and Spain are big HIV exporters, with many tourists to and migrants from these countries leaving with the virus.
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Scientists who have mapped HIV's spread across Europe say holidaymakers infected abroad are largely to blame.
By analysing samples from 17 European countries, the international team tracked the movement of the virus around the continent.
Their map shows Greece, Portugal, Serbia and Spain are big HIV exporters, with many tourists to and migrants from these countries leaving with the virus.
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research and development
Abortion Statistics
Department of Health
Information on abortions carried out in England and Wales in 2008 was released on 21 May 2009 according to the arrangements approved by the UK Statistics Authority.
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Information on abortions carried out in England and Wales in 2008 was released on 21 May 2009 according to the arrangements approved by the UK Statistics Authority.
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2009 Annual evidence update on skin cancer
NHS Evidence
This is the second Annual Evidence Update (AEU) on Skin Cancer prepared jointly by NHS Evidence - cancer and NHS Evidence - skin disorders. It includes systematic reviews and guidance published since the last Annual Evidence Update in May 2008, clinical commentaries and an overview by Professor Hywel Williams.
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This is the second Annual Evidence Update (AEU) on Skin Cancer prepared jointly by NHS Evidence - cancer and NHS Evidence - skin disorders. It includes systematic reviews and guidance published since the last Annual Evidence Update in May 2008, clinical commentaries and an overview by Professor Hywel Williams.
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research and development,
Skin cancer
Local authority measure of services to disabled children: health, well-being and care
Department of Children, Schools and Families
This publication reports initial results from the disabled children’s services indicator for 2008-09. This includes an overall England baseline and scores for the 30 local authorities that have been included in this survey.
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This publication reports initial results from the disabled children’s services indicator for 2008-09. This includes an overall England baseline and scores for the 30 local authorities that have been included in this survey.
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Folic Acid Cuts Baby's Heart Defects
NHS Choices
“Folic acid in bread can reduce risk of heart defects in babies,” The Daily Telegraph has reported. The newspaper says that new Canadian research has shown that adding the vitamin to bread and pasta can cut the risk of congenital heart defects (CHDs) in babies.
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“Folic acid in bread can reduce risk of heart defects in babies,” The Daily Telegraph has reported. The newspaper says that new Canadian research has shown that adding the vitamin to bread and pasta can cut the risk of congenital heart defects (CHDs) in babies.
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Friday, 22 May 2009
Brain chemical reduces anxiety, increases survival of new cells
Mental Health Foundation
New research on a brain chemical involved in development sheds light on why some individuals may be predisposed to anxiety. It also strengthens understanding of cellular processes that may be common to anxiety and depression, and suggests how lifestyle changes may help overcome both.
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New research on a brain chemical involved in development sheds light on why some individuals may be predisposed to anxiety. It also strengthens understanding of cellular processes that may be common to anxiety and depression, and suggests how lifestyle changes may help overcome both.
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mental health,
research and development
Money announced for alcohol addiction treatment
Mental Health Foundation
Health chiefs are to get more cash to fight the scourge of alcohol abuse, the Scottish Government said today.
Health boards will receive £36 million this year, compared with less than £25 million last year.
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Health chiefs are to get more cash to fight the scourge of alcohol abuse, the Scottish Government said today.
Health boards will receive £36 million this year, compared with less than £25 million last year.
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Study finds link between individual stress and adolescent obesity
Mental Health Foundation
Stress may indeed be a direct contributor to childhood obesity. That's according to a new Iowa State University study finding that increased levels of stress in adolescents are associated with a greater likelihood of them being overweight or obese.
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Stress may indeed be a direct contributor to childhood obesity. That's according to a new Iowa State University study finding that increased levels of stress in adolescents are associated with a greater likelihood of them being overweight or obese.
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mental health,
Monday, 18 May 2009
Tackling Health Inequalities: 10 years on
Department of Health
This report reviews developments in health inequalities over the last 10 years across government - from the publication of the Acheson report on health inequalities in November 1998 to the announcement of the post-2010 strategic review of health inequalities in November 2008. It covers developments across government on the wider social determinants of health, and the role of the NHS. It provides an assessment of developments against the Acheson report, reviews a range of key data sets covering social, economic, health and environmental indicators, and considers lessons learned and challenges for the future.
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This report reviews developments in health inequalities over the last 10 years across government - from the publication of the Acheson report on health inequalities in November 1998 to the announcement of the post-2010 strategic review of health inequalities in November 2008. It covers developments across government on the wider social determinants of health, and the role of the NHS. It provides an assessment of developments against the Acheson report, reviews a range of key data sets covering social, economic, health and environmental indicators, and considers lessons learned and challenges for the future.
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Promoting the health and wellbeing of looked after children – revised statutory guidance
Department for Children, Schools and Families
This guidance is a revised version of the existing guidance, 'Promoting the Health of Looked After Children', which was published by the Department of Health in 2002. The revised guidance will be statutory on PCTs and on Strategic Health Authorities as well as local authorities.
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This guidance is a revised version of the existing guidance, 'Promoting the Health of Looked After Children', which was published by the Department of Health in 2002. The revised guidance will be statutory on PCTs and on Strategic Health Authorities as well as local authorities.
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research and development
Friday, 15 May 2009
Guidance notes for midwives on swine flu
Royal College of Nursing
The RCM is providing the following guidance to midwives to support their work in providing information to pregnant and breastfeeding women about the potential influenza ‘flu’ outbreak.
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The RCM is providing the following guidance to midwives to support their work in providing information to pregnant and breastfeeding women about the potential influenza ‘flu’ outbreak.
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Friday, 8 May 2009
Anxiety UK Launch Poetry Competition
Mental Health Foundaton
Sheila Cameron, published poet and children’s author, is judging a poetry competition to raise money for Anxiety UK, Britain’s leading anxiety disorders charity.
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Sheila Cameron, published poet and children’s author, is judging a poetry competition to raise money for Anxiety UK, Britain’s leading anxiety disorders charity.
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Taking it on trust: A review of how boards of NHS trusts and foundation trusts get their assurance
Audit Commission
The report reviews the rigour with which boards of NHS trusts and foundation trusts operate the governance structures and processes to assure themselves that their organisation is operating effectively and meeting their strategic objectives. It includes recommendations for government and trusts as well as questions for board members to ask themselves about their current arrangements
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The report reviews the rigour with which boards of NHS trusts and foundation trusts operate the governance structures and processes to assure themselves that their organisation is operating effectively and meeting their strategic objectives. It includes recommendations for government and trusts as well as questions for board members to ask themselves about their current arrangements
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Report on comprehension and use of UK nutrition signpost labelling schemes
Food Standards Agency
The independent group of experts who have led the front-of-pack (FOP) nutrition signpost evaluation project, today published their final report.
The group, known as the Project Management Panel (PMP), is responsible for assuring the integrity and robustness of the study, the aim of which was to evaluate the impact of the various FOP nutritional signposting schemes on consumer understanding and behaviour. The research was conducted by BMRB in association with the Food, Consumer Behaviour and Health Research Centre at the University of Surrey.
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The independent group of experts who have led the front-of-pack (FOP) nutrition signpost evaluation project, today published their final report.
The group, known as the Project Management Panel (PMP), is responsible for assuring the integrity and robustness of the study, the aim of which was to evaluate the impact of the various FOP nutritional signposting schemes on consumer understanding and behaviour. The research was conducted by BMRB in association with the Food, Consumer Behaviour and Health Research Centre at the University of Surrey.
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Tuesday, 5 May 2009
Mexican (Swine) Influenza NHS Leeds GP Update 1
NHS Leeds
Guidance for GPs regarding the outbreak of Swine Influenza and key websites to track the progress of the outbreak.
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Guidance for GPs regarding the outbreak of Swine Influenza and key websites to track the progress of the outbreak.
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Infection control,
Childhood obesity: surveillance and prevention
NHS Evidence
The 2009 Annual Evidence update on Obesity covers childhood obesity: surveillance and prevention. It is an update of the evidence from March 2008 to March 2009.
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The 2009 Annual Evidence update on Obesity covers childhood obesity: surveillance and prevention. It is an update of the evidence from March 2008 to March 2009.
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young people
Tuesday, 28 April 2009
Supporting People in Later Life Annual Evidence Update 2009
Later Life Specialist Library
The purpose of this AEU is to highlight important secondary research, guidelines and policy documents which will help health professionals to support older people who are experiencing challenges with independent living due to serious health problems
The purpose of this AEU is to highlight important secondary research, guidelines and policy documents which will help health professionals to support older people who are experiencing challenges with independent living due to serious health problems
Older people,
research and development
Keeping Well in the Economic Downturn
Patient Information Forum
Changes in the economy may cause increased levels of stress and anxiety. In anticipation of these issues, NHS Bristol developed a leaflet providing advice to individuals on maintaining wellbeing in times of economic hardship.
The leaflet was prepared by NHS Bristol’s lead for mental health and wellbeing and researched with a local readers’ panel to ensure it was clear, accessible and relevant. It is being included in redundancy packs produced by Jobcentre Plus Bristol and distributed to local businesses, GP surgeries and voluntary organisations. This is an effective way of providing practical information to local communities in difficult times.
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Changes in the economy may cause increased levels of stress and anxiety. In anticipation of these issues, NHS Bristol developed a leaflet providing advice to individuals on maintaining wellbeing in times of economic hardship.
The leaflet was prepared by NHS Bristol’s lead for mental health and wellbeing and researched with a local readers’ panel to ensure it was clear, accessible and relevant. It is being included in redundancy packs produced by Jobcentre Plus Bristol and distributed to local businesses, GP surgeries and voluntary organisations. This is an effective way of providing practical information to local communities in difficult times.
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Working to put People First: The Strategy for the Adult Social Care Workforce in England
Department of Health
Our vision for the future is a confident, enabled, and well equipped adult social care workforce transforming services in the way the Government set out in Putting People First: This will enable people, even those most disabled or disadvantaged, to participate as citizens in society and take as much control as possible over their own lives. Social care will play an important part in helping to deliver equality and human rights for people using services.
We need all of those who are leading, working in, and training the social care workforce to work together to make this transition with passion, understanding, and belief in why their role is important.
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Our vision for the future is a confident, enabled, and well equipped adult social care workforce transforming services in the way the Government set out in Putting People First: This will enable people, even those most disabled or disadvantaged, to participate as citizens in society and take as much control as possible over their own lives. Social care will play an important part in helping to deliver equality and human rights for people using services.
We need all of those who are leading, working in, and training the social care workforce to work together to make this transition with passion, understanding, and belief in why their role is important.
Full Text
Good relationship with parents may prevent teen drinking problems
Mental Health Foundation
Teenagers who have a strong relationship with their parents may start drinking at a later age -- which may, in turn, lessen their risk of developing alcohol problems, a new study suggests.
The findings, published in the May issue of the Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs, underscore the important role parents play in the risk of problem drinking.
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Teenagers who have a strong relationship with their parents may start drinking at a later age -- which may, in turn, lessen their risk of developing alcohol problems, a new study suggests.
The findings, published in the May issue of the Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs, underscore the important role parents play in the risk of problem drinking.
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young people
2009 Annual Evidence Update - Obesity - Childhood Obesity: Surveillance and Prevention
National Library for Public Health
This evidence update covers childhood obesity: surveillance and prevention. It is an update of the evidence from March 2008 to March 2009. The 2008 evidence update can still be viewed in the Annual Evidence Update Archive
This evidence update covers childhood obesity: surveillance and prevention. It is an update of the evidence from March 2008 to March 2009. The 2008 evidence update can still be viewed in the Annual Evidence Update Archive
young people
Obesity 'linked to ADHD'
NHS Choices
A drug “used to treat hyperactive children” could help to “solve Britain's obesity crisis,” The Daily Telegraph has claimed. The newspaper says that a new study has shown one-third of severely obese adults who fail to lose weight have undiagnosed Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD).
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A drug “used to treat hyperactive children” could help to “solve Britain's obesity crisis,” The Daily Telegraph has claimed. The newspaper says that a new study has shown one-third of severely obese adults who fail to lose weight have undiagnosed Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD).
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Monday, 27 April 2009
Figures you can trust, a briefing on the data quality in the NHS
Audit Commission
The importance of data for NHS bodies and the patients and public they serve has never been higher. Good quality information underpins the delivery of effective patient care. The majority of
hospital funding is already dependent on accurate activity and costing data under Payment by Results (PbR). World Class Commissioning and the development of practice based commissioning rely on good data being available. And regulators are placing increasing importance on formation and data in their assessment and screening processes. Quality cannot be effective as the ganising principle of the NHS without good data to underpin it.
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The importance of data for NHS bodies and the patients and public they serve has never been higher. Good quality information underpins the delivery of effective patient care. The majority of
hospital funding is already dependent on accurate activity and costing data under Payment by Results (PbR). World Class Commissioning and the development of practice based commissioning rely on good data being available. And regulators are placing increasing importance on formation and data in their assessment and screening processes. Quality cannot be effective as the ganising principle of the NHS without good data to underpin it.
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National Sentinel Stroke Audit Phase II (clinical audit) 2008
Royal College of Physicians
Despite many improvements in stroke services over the past decade, a quarter of patients in the National Sentinel Audit for Stroke 2008 were not offered the best treatment for stroke, a stay in a dedicated stroke unit.
The audit, funded by the Healthcare Quality Improvement Partnership (HQIP), was carried out on behalf of the Intercollegiate Stroke Group by the Royal College of Physicians' Clinical Effectiveness and Evaluation Unit (CEEu), and covers 100% of eligible hospitals in England Wales and Northern Ireland. Individual hospital results will be available on the College website from 10.00 am on Thursday 23 April.
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Despite many improvements in stroke services over the past decade, a quarter of patients in the National Sentinel Audit for Stroke 2008 were not offered the best treatment for stroke, a stay in a dedicated stroke unit.
The audit, funded by the Healthcare Quality Improvement Partnership (HQIP), was carried out on behalf of the Intercollegiate Stroke Group by the Royal College of Physicians' Clinical Effectiveness and Evaluation Unit (CEEu), and covers 100% of eligible hospitals in England Wales and Northern Ireland. Individual hospital results will be available on the College website from 10.00 am on Thursday 23 April.
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Stem cells used 'to cure diabetes'
NHS Choices
"Stem cell transplants 'have freed patients with type 1 diabetes of daily insulin injections'" The Daily Telegraph has said. The news comes after research which allowed volunteers to go, on average, for two and a half years without using the multiple daily injections normally needed to manage their condition.
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"Stem cell transplants 'have freed patients with type 1 diabetes of daily insulin injections'" The Daily Telegraph has said. The news comes after research which allowed volunteers to go, on average, for two and a half years without using the multiple daily injections normally needed to manage their condition.
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Tuesday, 21 April 2009
Increased symptoms lead mentally disordered to become victims of violence
Mental Health Foundation
Contrary to common stereotypes, individuals with major mental disorders are more likely to become victims of violent crimes when they are experiencing an increase in symptoms than they are to commit crime, according to a new study by Brent Teasdale, an assistant professor of criminal justice at Georgia State University.
Teasdale found that patients experiencing delusions, hallucinations and worsening symptoms generally are most likely to become victims of violence. In addition, individuals with mental disorders are particularly vulnerable for victimization during times of homelessness and when suffering from alcohol abuse.
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Contrary to common stereotypes, individuals with major mental disorders are more likely to become victims of violent crimes when they are experiencing an increase in symptoms than they are to commit crime, according to a new study by Brent Teasdale, an assistant professor of criminal justice at Georgia State University.
Teasdale found that patients experiencing delusions, hallucinations and worsening symptoms generally are most likely to become victims of violence. In addition, individuals with mental disorders are particularly vulnerable for victimization during times of homelessness and when suffering from alcohol abuse.
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Multiple births 'more likely to trigger depression'
Mental Health Foundation
Mothers of twins or triplets could be more likely to suffer postnatal depression than other new mums, a poll out today suggests.
A survey of more than 1,000 mothers who had a multiple birth found 17% had experienced postnatal depression, while a further 18% said they were "not sure" if they had.
According to the Royal College of Psychiatrists, around one in 10 new mothers will develop postnatal depression, which can include feelings of helplessness or being over-anxious about the baby.
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Mothers of twins or triplets could be more likely to suffer postnatal depression than other new mums, a poll out today suggests.
A survey of more than 1,000 mothers who had a multiple birth found 17% had experienced postnatal depression, while a further 18% said they were "not sure" if they had.
According to the Royal College of Psychiatrists, around one in 10 new mothers will develop postnatal depression, which can include feelings of helplessness or being over-anxious about the baby.
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Improving the patient experience: developing solutions to delivering sustainable pathways in cardiac surgery
NHS Improvement
The Heart Improvement Programme, one of 4 clinical specialities which form NHS Improvement, is currently running a number of National Priority Projects focussing on aspects of service improvement throughout cardiovascular care.
In cardiac surgery the programme is focussing on helping cardiothoracic units meet the target of 18-weeks from referral (by a GP) to definitive treatment by building on work carried out over the last 12 months that centred on cardiology pathways and diagnostics. The 18-week target is a particularly challenging one for cardiac surgeons as a variable amount of the eighteen weeks is taken up by referring cardiologists performing first and second phase diagnostics etc.
The project also supports organisations to review and implement recommendations outlined in the National Confidential Inquiry into Patient Outcome and Death (The Heart of the Matter June 2008).
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The Heart Improvement Programme, one of 4 clinical specialities which form NHS Improvement, is currently running a number of National Priority Projects focussing on aspects of service improvement throughout cardiovascular care.
In cardiac surgery the programme is focussing on helping cardiothoracic units meet the target of 18-weeks from referral (by a GP) to definitive treatment by building on work carried out over the last 12 months that centred on cardiology pathways and diagnostics. The 18-week target is a particularly challenging one for cardiac surgeons as a variable amount of the eighteen weeks is taken up by referring cardiologists performing first and second phase diagnostics etc.
The project also supports organisations to review and implement recommendations outlined in the National Confidential Inquiry into Patient Outcome and Death (The Heart of the Matter June 2008).
Full Article
Thursday, 16 April 2009
More Teachers 'suffering mental breakdowns'
Mental Health Foundation
Teachers' mental health is increasingly being put at risk by the pressures heaped on them during school time, union leaders said today. Half of all teachers have considered leaving the profession due to stress, citing the long hours, excessive workload, lack of support and poor pupil behaviour, according to the National Union of Teachers (NUT) teacher mental health working party.
In addition, a large-scale HSE survey found teaching to be the most stressful occupation in the UK, it said.
Full Article
Teachers' mental health is increasingly being put at risk by the pressures heaped on them during school time, union leaders said today. Half of all teachers have considered leaving the profession due to stress, citing the long hours, excessive workload, lack of support and poor pupil behaviour, according to the National Union of Teachers (NUT) teacher mental health working party.
In addition, a large-scale HSE survey found teaching to be the most stressful occupation in the UK, it said.
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Wednesday, 15 April 2009
One Voice Report
Help the Aged and Age Concern
Age Concern and Help the Aged, the UK’s two leading charities for older people, have come together to speak with one voice. Influencing public policy is at the hear t of our mission. In the UK, it is clear that nothing short of radical government-led change will ensure that all older people are able to live life to the full in the decades ahead. This repor t sets out our agenda for action.
Overseas, the challenges are in some ways even greater. Age Concern and Help the Aged have a mission to think and act globally. While this repor t focuses mainly on domestic policy in England, and in the UK, our campaigning will cover international issues too. Chapter 8 sets out our priorities in this area.
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Age Concern and Help the Aged, the UK’s two leading charities for older people, have come together to speak with one voice. Influencing public policy is at the hear t of our mission. In the UK, it is clear that nothing short of radical government-led change will ensure that all older people are able to live life to the full in the decades ahead. This repor t sets out our agenda for action.
Overseas, the challenges are in some ways even greater. Age Concern and Help the Aged have a mission to think and act globally. While this repor t focuses mainly on domestic policy in England, and in the UK, our campaigning will cover international issues too. Chapter 8 sets out our priorities in this area.
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Putting Prevention First. NHS Health Check: Vascular Risk Assessment and Management Best Practice Guidance.
Department of Health
The vascular risk assessment and management programme – formerly known as the vascular check programme and now called NHS Health Check – is a national initiative. The tests, measurements and risk management interventions that make up the check can be delivered in different settings and in different ways to suit the needs of local populations. It is however important that the tests and measurements themselves are quality assured. Equally, it is key that the actions taken at certain thresholds are the same where possible, and in line with national guidelines where appropriate, if a systematic approach to the check across England is to be achieved.
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The vascular risk assessment and management programme – formerly known as the vascular check programme and now called NHS Health Check – is a national initiative. The tests, measurements and risk management interventions that make up the check can be delivered in different settings and in different ways to suit the needs of local populations. It is however important that the tests and measurements themselves are quality assured. Equally, it is key that the actions taken at certain thresholds are the same where possible, and in line with national guidelines where appropriate, if a systematic approach to the check across England is to be achieved.
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Standard Evaluation Framework for Weight Management Interventions
National Obesity Observatory
This document aims to guide the reader through the process of using the Standard Evaluation
Framework (SEF). It introduces the concepts of evaluation, describes the SEF, and provides guidance on how to use it.
The SEF is a list of data collection criteria and supporting guidance for collecting high quality information that supports the evaluation of weight management interventions across England.
In this document, the term weight management intervention refers to any intervention that explicitly sets out to manage or reduce body weight (including the primary prevention of weight gain). This includes projects focusing on diet, physical activity, or both in combination. It is intended to be applicable to a range of approaches including interventions conducted with individuals on a one-to-one basis or in groups, and in clinical or community settings.
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This document aims to guide the reader through the process of using the Standard Evaluation
Framework (SEF). It introduces the concepts of evaluation, describes the SEF, and provides guidance on how to use it.
The SEF is a list of data collection criteria and supporting guidance for collecting high quality information that supports the evaluation of weight management interventions across England.
In this document, the term weight management intervention refers to any intervention that explicitly sets out to manage or reduce body weight (including the primary prevention of weight gain). This includes projects focusing on diet, physical activity, or both in combination. It is intended to be applicable to a range of approaches including interventions conducted with individuals on a one-to-one basis or in groups, and in clinical or community settings.
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public health
Diabetes Community Health Profiles
Yorkshire & Humber Public Health Observatory
The Diabetes Community Health Profiles bring together a wide range of data on diabetes in adults into a single source for the purposes of benchmarking. A Diabetes Community Health Profile is available for every PCT in England at It was last updated on 17th March 2009. A similar document focusing on children and young people with diabetes is planned for Summer 2009. Further details of all the data sources used in this profile and direct links to the source data are available in the Data Guide (
Click here for the profile for Leeds PCT.
More Info
The Diabetes Community Health Profiles bring together a wide range of data on diabetes in adults into a single source for the purposes of benchmarking. A Diabetes Community Health Profile is available for every PCT in England at It was last updated on 17th March 2009. A similar document focusing on children and young people with diabetes is planned for Summer 2009. Further details of all the data sources used in this profile and direct links to the source data are available in the Data Guide (
Click here for the profile for Leeds PCT.
More Info
Thursday, 9 April 2009
Healthy Weight, Healthy Lives: 1 year on.
Every Child Matters
Healthy Weight, Healthy Lives: A Cross-Government Strategy for England was published in January 2008 and was the first step in a sustained programme to combat obesity and support people to maintain a healthy weight.
The most recent data from the National Child Measurement Programme (NCMP) for 2007/08 and from the Health Survey for England (HSE) for 2007 suggests that, as a nation, we are seeing some success in halting the relentless rise in childhood obesity.
One Year On sets out our progress to date but also the areas we need to focus on together over the next year. The report sets out how we can continue our drive to combat obesity by helping people to make healthier choices; creating an environment that promotes healthy weight; providing quality services that identify, advise, refer and treat those at risk; and strengthening the delivery system.
Full Text
Healthy Weight, Healthy Lives: A Cross-Government Strategy for England was published in January 2008 and was the first step in a sustained programme to combat obesity and support people to maintain a healthy weight.
The most recent data from the National Child Measurement Programme (NCMP) for 2007/08 and from the Health Survey for England (HSE) for 2007 suggests that, as a nation, we are seeing some success in halting the relentless rise in childhood obesity.
One Year On sets out our progress to date but also the areas we need to focus on together over the next year. The report sets out how we can continue our drive to combat obesity by helping people to make healthier choices; creating an environment that promotes healthy weight; providing quality services that identify, advise, refer and treat those at risk; and strengthening the delivery system.
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Wednesday, 8 April 2009
Tolerance of alcohol abuse linked to suicide
Mental Health Foundation
Continued tolerance of excessive drinking is partly to blame for high suicide rates among young men, President Mary McAleese warned today.
As bereavement group Console claimed recession-hit Celtic Tiger executives may be a suicide risk, Mrs McAleese also condemned the ongoing acceptance and culture of alcohol abuse in Ireland.
The President said: "The link between increased suicides among young males and increases in alcohol abuse should be setting off alarm bells in every home, school, street, peer group, community and across our country generally.
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Continued tolerance of excessive drinking is partly to blame for high suicide rates among young men, President Mary McAleese warned today.
As bereavement group Console claimed recession-hit Celtic Tiger executives may be a suicide risk, Mrs McAleese also condemned the ongoing acceptance and culture of alcohol abuse in Ireland.
The President said: "The link between increased suicides among young males and increases in alcohol abuse should be setting off alarm bells in every home, school, street, peer group, community and across our country generally.
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mental health,
Service for Adults with Autistic Spectrum Conditions (ASC)
Adult Autism Strategy, Department of Health
This advice note for commissioners of services for adults with autistic spectrum conditions (ASC) is one of a number of actions that I have publicly committed to taking forward to make real changes to the health, well-being and social inclusion of all adults with ASC. The Government’s programme of work aims to do a number of things, including supporting professionals who work with people with ASC; developing a better understanding through research and good practice guidance and making the right links with other strands of cross-government work that will be beneficial to adults with ASC. This work on adults is alongside the cross-government work in relation to children and, when coupled with the right transition arrangements, will help deliver more joined-up and holistic support for all people with ASC.
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This advice note for commissioners of services for adults with autistic spectrum conditions (ASC) is one of a number of actions that I have publicly committed to taking forward to make real changes to the health, well-being and social inclusion of all adults with ASC. The Government’s programme of work aims to do a number of things, including supporting professionals who work with people with ASC; developing a better understanding through research and good practice guidance and making the right links with other strands of cross-government work that will be beneficial to adults with ASC. This work on adults is alongside the cross-government work in relation to children and, when coupled with the right transition arrangements, will help deliver more joined-up and holistic support for all people with ASC.
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Babies at Risk from Vitamin E?
NHS Choices
New research has shown that “Vitamin E ‘can increase the risk of heart defects in babies,’” says the Daily Mail. The newspaper warns that consuming as little as three-quarters of the recommended daily amount of vitamin E while pregnant can lead to a nine-fold increase the risk of a heart problem at birth.
The research compared the diets of women with healthy babies and babies born with congenital heart defects.
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New research has shown that “Vitamin E ‘can increase the risk of heart defects in babies,’” says the Daily Mail. The newspaper warns that consuming as little as three-quarters of the recommended daily amount of vitamin E while pregnant can lead to a nine-fold increase the risk of a heart problem at birth.
The research compared the diets of women with healthy babies and babies born with congenital heart defects.
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Friday, 3 April 2009
NHS Management: Time for Transparency at the Top
King's Fund
Another month, another resignation. The departure of the Mid Staffordshire Foundation Trust Chief Executive, following a Healthcare Commission investigation over mortality rates, has sparked much debate within the service. While the circumstances surrounding Martin Yeates’ leaving may have been unique, or at least unusual, comparisons have been made in the national and trade press with the recent departure of other high-profile chief executives – for example in London and Yorkshire and Humber SHAs.
There is little new in this. Turnover is high – the average tenure of a chief executive is said to be around two and a half years. And therein lies the problem.
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Another month, another resignation. The departure of the Mid Staffordshire Foundation Trust Chief Executive, following a Healthcare Commission investigation over mortality rates, has sparked much debate within the service. While the circumstances surrounding Martin Yeates’ leaving may have been unique, or at least unusual, comparisons have been made in the national and trade press with the recent departure of other high-profile chief executives – for example in London and Yorkshire and Humber SHAs.
There is little new in this. Turnover is high – the average tenure of a chief executive is said to be around two and a half years. And therein lies the problem.
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Health Action Planning and Health Facilitation for people with learning disabilities: good practice guidance
HM Government
In 2001, the Government published the white Paper for learning disabilities, Valuing People, which included specific targets relating to the health of people with learning disabilities, namely:
health facilitators to be identified for people with learning disabilities by spring 2003;
all people with learning disabilities to be registered with a GP by June 2004; and
all people with learning disabilities to have a health action plan by June 2005.
To support this, the department of Health issued detailed guidance for learning disability Partnership boards: Action for Health – Health Action Plans and Health Facilitation. In this guidance, a health action plan is described as:
‘the actions needed to maintain and improve the health of an individual and any help needed to accomplish these. It is a mechanism to link the individual and the range of services and supports they need if they are to have better health... the plan is primarily for the person with learning disabilities and is usually co-produced with them.’
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In 2001, the Government published the white Paper for learning disabilities, Valuing People, which included specific targets relating to the health of people with learning disabilities, namely:
health facilitators to be identified for people with learning disabilities by spring 2003;
all people with learning disabilities to be registered with a GP by June 2004; and
all people with learning disabilities to have a health action plan by June 2005.
To support this, the department of Health issued detailed guidance for learning disability Partnership boards: Action for Health – Health Action Plans and Health Facilitation. In this guidance, a health action plan is described as:
‘the actions needed to maintain and improve the health of an individual and any help needed to accomplish these. It is a mechanism to link the individual and the range of services and supports they need if they are to have better health... the plan is primarily for the person with learning disabilities and is usually co-produced with them.’
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Wednesday, 1 April 2009
The Coronary Heart Disease National Service Framework
Department of Health
This is the eighth annual progress report for the Coronary Heart Disease National Service Framework (CHD NSF), highlighting the achievements made in 2008.
The Coronary Heart Disease National Service Framework (CHD NSF) is a commitment made in 2000 to improve the quality of cardiac care across the country. This report demonstrates how 2008 was by no means an exception in providing the improvements that have made the CHD NSF such a success.
There have been achievements in many areas of cardiac care and, combined with the close working relationship the Department of Health has with NHS Improvement, the focus of 2008 was achieving consistent quality of care that we will be able to continue taking forward.
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This is the eighth annual progress report for the Coronary Heart Disease National Service Framework (CHD NSF), highlighting the achievements made in 2008.
The Coronary Heart Disease National Service Framework (CHD NSF) is a commitment made in 2000 to improve the quality of cardiac care across the country. This report demonstrates how 2008 was by no means an exception in providing the improvements that have made the CHD NSF such a success.
There have been achievements in many areas of cardiac care and, combined with the close working relationship the Department of Health has with NHS Improvement, the focus of 2008 was achieving consistent quality of care that we will be able to continue taking forward.
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Coronary disease,
service improvement
Supporting Diabetes Care
The Information Centre for Health and Social Care
There are now over 2.4 million people with diabetes in England and Wales, and with this figure
expected to continue to increase, it is vital that those working with diabetes and in the health
service have all the information they need to plan resource and ultimately improve patient care.
In this brochure we look at the information on diabetes provided through The NHS Information Centre (The NHS IC), and also about the National Diabetes Information service (NDIS) which will bring together all diabetes data and resources from a variety of sources and organisations.
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There are now over 2.4 million people with diabetes in England and Wales, and with this figure
expected to continue to increase, it is vital that those working with diabetes and in the health
service have all the information they need to plan resource and ultimately improve patient care.
In this brochure we look at the information on diabetes provided through The NHS Information Centre (The NHS IC), and also about the National Diabetes Information service (NDIS) which will bring together all diabetes data and resources from a variety of sources and organisations.
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Tuesday, 31 March 2009
NHS Stop Smoking Services: Service and Monitoring Guidance 2009/10
The provision of high-quality NHS Stop Smoking Services is a high priority. They have already helped many people to stop smoking successfully and are a key part of tobacco control and health inequalities policies both at local and national levels.1 Evidence-based NHS stop smoking support is highly effective both in cost and clinical terms. It should therefore be seen in the same way as any other clinical service and offered to anyone who expresses an interest in stopping.
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The provision of high-quality NHS Stop Smoking Services is a high priority. They have already helped many people to stop smoking successfully and are a key part of tobacco control and health inequalities policies both at local and national levels.1 Evidence-based NHS stop smoking support is highly effective both in cost and clinical terms. It should therefore be seen in the same way as any other clinical service and offered to anyone who expresses an interest in stopping.
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Cost putting troubled youths off getting help
Mental Health Foundation
Troubled young people are being put-off getting professional help because they can't afford the high costs, mental health experts warned today.
The study by Headstrong, the national centre for youth mental health, revealed almost two-thirds of youths feel they are unable to cope with the problems they face.
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Troubled young people are being put-off getting professional help because they can't afford the high costs, mental health experts warned today.
The study by Headstrong, the national centre for youth mental health, revealed almost two-thirds of youths feel they are unable to cope with the problems they face.
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Earlier help needed for rising number of depressed children
Mental Health Foundation
The needs of youngsters must be identified at the "earliest possible time", the First Minister said today, after a big rise in suicidal calls to ChildLine. Mr Salmond faced demands during First Minister Questions for Government action to raise awareness about depression which can lead to suicide.
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The needs of youngsters must be identified at the "earliest possible time", the First Minister said today, after a big rise in suicidal calls to ChildLine. Mr Salmond faced demands during First Minister Questions for Government action to raise awareness about depression which can lead to suicide.
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Commissioning Healthcare for People with Learning Difficulties
NHS Confederation
The commissioning of healthcare for people with learning disabilities has traditionally delivered variations between different areas in the accessibility and appropriateness of mainstream healthcare. This Briefing is intended to raise awareness of issues in the commissioning of services for people with learning disabilities that meet their specific needs and enhance the development of mainstream services that are fit for purpose.
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The commissioning of healthcare for people with learning disabilities has traditionally delivered variations between different areas in the accessibility and appropriateness of mainstream healthcare. This Briefing is intended to raise awareness of issues in the commissioning of services for people with learning disabilities that meet their specific needs and enhance the development of mainstream services that are fit for purpose.
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Health Inequalities: Third Report of the Session 2008-09
House of Commons Health Committee
During the course of this inquiry, we heard widespread praise and support, both in this country and abroad, for the explicit commitment this Government has made to tackling health inequalities. This has involved a framework of specific policies, underpinned by a challenging and ambitious target. The Government has also continued to switch resources to the neediest areas; the neediest PCTs will receive 70% more funding than the least needy in 2009-10.
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During the course of this inquiry, we heard widespread praise and support, both in this country and abroad, for the explicit commitment this Government has made to tackling health inequalities. This has involved a framework of specific policies, underpinned by a challenging and ambitious target. The Government has also continued to switch resources to the neediest areas; the neediest PCTs will receive 70% more funding than the least needy in 2009-10.
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Friday, 13 March 2009
Saving Babies' Lives Report 2009
Sands Stillbirth and Neonatal Death Charity
Every year around 6,500 babies die before or
shortly after their birth; that is one baby every
hour and a half, or the equivalent of 16 jumbo jets
crashing every year. 4,000 babies are stillborn and
another 2,500 die within a month of their birth.
These are not rare events. One baby in every 200 is
stillborn. One baby in every 300 dies in the first four
weeks of life, the majority within the first few days.
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Every year around 6,500 babies die before or
shortly after their birth; that is one baby every
hour and a half, or the equivalent of 16 jumbo jets
crashing every year. 4,000 babies are stillborn and
another 2,500 die within a month of their birth.
These are not rare events. One baby in every 200 is
stillborn. One baby in every 300 dies in the first four
weeks of life, the majority within the first few days.
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Tuesday, 10 March 2009
New mapping tool to tackle drug addiction
NHS National Treatment Agency for Substance Misuse
A pioneering new tool for drug workers and clinicians to promote behaviour change in drug-dependent clients is endorsed today (19 February 2009) by the National Treatment Agency for Substance Misuse (NTA). Extensive research has shown that this easy-to-use and innovative technique – which enables drug workers to visually represent their clients’ thinking in a series of personal maps – improves the engagement and motivation of drug misusers.
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A pioneering new tool for drug workers and clinicians to promote behaviour change in drug-dependent clients is endorsed today (19 February 2009) by the National Treatment Agency for Substance Misuse (NTA). Extensive research has shown that this easy-to-use and innovative technique – which enables drug workers to visually represent their clients’ thinking in a series of personal maps – improves the engagement and motivation of drug misusers.
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Drug users,
Workforce development
Monday, 9 March 2009
The Primary Prevention of Hepatitis C among Injecting Drug Users
Advisory Council on the Misuse of Drugs
Hepatitis C is a significant public health issue. It has been estimated that in 2003 in England and
Wales there were around 190,000 individuals infected with the hepatitis C virus (HCV). It is likely that over 80 per cent of current HCV infections are due to injecting drugs and that around 50 per cent of injecting drug users (IDU) in the UK are infected with HCV. Moreover, of those IDU who are infected, approximately half may be unaware that they are HCV positive. It is likely that HCV prevalence fell during the early and mid 1990s, but the trends have now reversed and among recent IDU HCV prevalence almost doubled between 1998 and 2007.
These statistics are set against a backdrop of an expansion of diagnostic and treatment services as part of the HCV Strategy and HCV Action Plan in England and the HCV Action Plan in Scotland.
In reviewing the evidence, we conclude that a single intervention may not, alone, be sufficient to
prevent the spread of the hepatitis C virus. The evidence suggests that the most effective way of
reducing HCV incidence among active IDUs is through a combination of Opiate Substitution Therapy (OST) and the provision of Needle and Syringe Programmes (NSP).
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Hepatitis C is a significant public health issue. It has been estimated that in 2003 in England and
Wales there were around 190,000 individuals infected with the hepatitis C virus (HCV). It is likely that over 80 per cent of current HCV infections are due to injecting drugs and that around 50 per cent of injecting drug users (IDU) in the UK are infected with HCV. Moreover, of those IDU who are infected, approximately half may be unaware that they are HCV positive. It is likely that HCV prevalence fell during the early and mid 1990s, but the trends have now reversed and among recent IDU HCV prevalence almost doubled between 1998 and 2007.
These statistics are set against a backdrop of an expansion of diagnostic and treatment services as part of the HCV Strategy and HCV Action Plan in England and the HCV Action Plan in Scotland.
In reviewing the evidence, we conclude that a single intervention may not, alone, be sufficient to
prevent the spread of the hepatitis C virus. The evidence suggests that the most effective way of
reducing HCV incidence among active IDUs is through a combination of Opiate Substitution Therapy (OST) and the provision of Needle and Syringe Programmes (NSP).
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Food and the Family: Weighing the Power of Culinary Nagging
Library of Economics and Liberty
Parents habitually try to influence what their kids eat. "Eat up." "Clean your plate." "No dessert until you finish your vegetables." "Soda? No, you get milk." At least in the modern U.S., parents' main goals seem to be to (a) Increase the total amount of food kids eat, and (b) Increase the healthiness of the food they do eat.Does all this nagging actually work? You can't answer this question just by correlating parents' nagging with childrens' eating. As usual, we have to consider the possibility that the cause of the correlation is partially or entirely genetic. Maybe health-conscious parents sire health-conscious kids, and the nagging is just a lot of hot air.What do the data say? The best paper I tracked down was John Hewitt's "The Genetics of Obesity" (1997, Behavior Genetics 27). It's got very strong results: Nature can account for all of the family resembance in the Body Mass Index; nurture doesn't matter at all.
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Parents habitually try to influence what their kids eat. "Eat up." "Clean your plate." "No dessert until you finish your vegetables." "Soda? No, you get milk." At least in the modern U.S., parents' main goals seem to be to (a) Increase the total amount of food kids eat, and (b) Increase the healthiness of the food they do eat.Does all this nagging actually work? You can't answer this question just by correlating parents' nagging with childrens' eating. As usual, we have to consider the possibility that the cause of the correlation is partially or entirely genetic. Maybe health-conscious parents sire health-conscious kids, and the nagging is just a lot of hot air.What do the data say? The best paper I tracked down was John Hewitt's "The Genetics of Obesity" (1997, Behavior Genetics 27). It's got very strong results: Nature can account for all of the family resembance in the Body Mass Index; nurture doesn't matter at all.
Full Article
Thursday, 5 March 2009
Gps 'failing to help people with eating disorders'
Mental Health Foundation
GPs are failing to help people suffering from eating disorders such as anorexia and bulimia, a charity said today. A new report from the charity Beat found that only 15% of sufferers felt their GP understood their disorder or knew how to help them.
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GPs are failing to help people suffering from eating disorders such as anorexia and bulimia, a charity said today. A new report from the charity Beat found that only 15% of sufferers felt their GP understood their disorder or knew how to help them.
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Shaping PCT provider services
King's Fund
Conference 31st March
The NHS Next Stage Review has encouraged the separation of primary care trust (PCT) commissioning and provider functions. The review also encourages PCTs to support greater choice and contestability of provision within primary and community health services and greater service integration. A range of organisational and governance models are now possible for community health services, which include becoming a social enterprise or creating an integrated care organisation.
The Department of Health will shortly publish guidance on future organisational forms and governance for PCT provider services, and following this, the focus for PCTs will move towards implementation.
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Conference 31st March
The NHS Next Stage Review has encouraged the separation of primary care trust (PCT) commissioning and provider functions. The review also encourages PCTs to support greater choice and contestability of provision within primary and community health services and greater service integration. A range of organisational and governance models are now possible for community health services, which include becoming a social enterprise or creating an integrated care organisation.
The Department of Health will shortly publish guidance on future organisational forms and governance for PCT provider services, and following this, the focus for PCTs will move towards implementation.
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Monday, 19 January 2009
New university campaign to tackle obesity
University of Cumbria
The University of Cumbria is representing the UK in a pan-European campaign to tackle child and adolescent obesity. The project, “In Form: campaign against child and adolescent obesity”, will take place over the next three years and has received funding from the European Union’s Public Health Programme.
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The University of Cumbria is representing the UK in a pan-European campaign to tackle child and adolescent obesity. The project, “In Form: campaign against child and adolescent obesity”, will take place over the next three years and has received funding from the European Union’s Public Health Programme.
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social marketing,
young people
Teens Girls Smoke Now, Pay Later With Larger Waistlines as Adults
Centre for the Advancement of Health
Girls who smoke 10 cigarettes per day or more are at greatest risk, particularly for abdominal obesity. Their waist sizes are 1.34 inches larger than nonsmokers’ waists are as young adults, according to the study in the February 2009 issue of the American Journal of Public Health.
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Girls who smoke 10 cigarettes per day or more are at greatest risk, particularly for abdominal obesity. Their waist sizes are 1.34 inches larger than nonsmokers’ waists are as young adults, according to the study in the February 2009 issue of the American Journal of Public Health.
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young people
Monday, 12 January 2009
'Shocking' obesity figures spark calls for action
Mental Health Foundation
The Government's healthy living messages are failing to get through, campaigners said today as figures showed obesity levels had almost doubled in 14 years.
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The Government's healthy living messages are failing to get through, campaigners said today as figures showed obesity levels had almost doubled in 14 years.
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social marketing
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- Moving on Up
- Vegetarians get less cancer
- Supporting People with Autism Through Adulthood
- Leeds Learning Disability Strategy 2009-2012
- The Great British Duck Race 2009
- Attitudes to mental illness 2009
- Tackling health inequalities: targeting routine an...
- Cancer Research UK's June Podcast
- Network Voice spring-summer 2009
- National Obesity Observatory May 2009 Newsletter
- 2009 Annual evidence update – Drugs – Drugs misuse...
- Consultation: Prevention of type 2 diabetes - prev...
- Pregnancy and the flu: A link to schizophrenia
- Teenagers - find out if you are healthy
- Change4Life - LIVE
- Symptoms of depression in obese children linked to...
- Leeds Initiative Newsletter, spring-summer 2009
- Prevention in Practice - Service models, methods a...
- Diabetes in the UK 2009: Key statistics on diabete...
- Research links vitamin D with dementia protection
- Primary care service framework: Gypsies and Travel...
- May Vaccine Update
- PHCN Newsletter April 2009
- The Paddington Alcohol Test - 2009
- Elderly population across Europe past, present and...
- Incidence trends for childhood type 1 diabetes in ...
- Feeling Good: Health information for children and ...
- Child cancer survivors face increased cancer risk ...
- Healthy Leeds Newsletter Spring 2009
- Reviews published on primary care information for ...
- Low back pain: early management of persistent non-...
- Mental Health First Aid
- Government response to the Health Select Committee...
- Department of Health Swine Flu Statement
- National Library for Public Health e-Newsletter
- Statistics on Alcohol, England 2009
- Heatwave Plan
- The Spread of HIV around Europe Mapped
- Abortion Statistics
- 2009 Annual evidence update on skin cancer
- Local authority measure of services to disabled ch...
- Folic Acid Cuts Baby's Heart Defects
- Brain chemical reduces anxiety, increases survival...
- Money announced for alcohol addiction treatment
- Study finds link between individual stress and ado...
- Tackling Health Inequalities: 10 years on
- Promoting the health and wellbeing of looked after...
- Guidance notes for midwives on swine flu
- Anxiety UK Launch Poetry Competition
- Taking it on trust: A review of how boards of NHS ...
- Report on comprehension and use of UK nutrition si...
- Mexican (Swine) Influenza NHS Leeds GP Update 1
- Childhood obesity: surveillance and prevention
- Supporting People in Later Life Annual Evidence Up...
- Keeping Well in the Economic Downturn
- Working to put People First: The Strategy for the ...
- Good relationship with parents may prevent teen dr...
- 2009 Annual Evidence Update - Obesity - Childhood ...
- Obesity 'linked to ADHD'
- Figures you can trust, a briefing on the data qual...
- National Sentinel Stroke Audit Phase II (clinical ...
- Stem cells used 'to cure diabetes'
- Increased symptoms lead mentally disordered to bec...
- Multiple births 'more likely to trigger depression'
- Improving the patient experience: developing solut...
- More Teachers 'suffering mental breakdowns'
- One Voice Report
- Putting Prevention First. NHS Health Check: Vascul...
- Standard Evaluation Framework for Weight Managemen...
- Diabetes Community Health Profiles
- Healthy Weight, Healthy Lives: 1 year on.
- Tolerance of alcohol abuse linked to suicide
- Service for Adults with Autistic Spectrum Conditio...
- Babies at Risk from Vitamin E?
- NHS Management: Time for Transparency at the Top
- Health Action Planning and Health Facilitation for...
- The Coronary Heart Disease National Service Framework
- Supporting Diabetes Care
- NHS Stop Smoking Services: Service and Monitoring ...
- Cost putting troubled youths off getting help
- Earlier help needed for rising number of depressed...
- Commissioning Healthcare for People with Learning ...
- Health Inequalities: Third Report of the Session 2...
- Saving Babies' Lives Report 2009
- New mapping tool to tackle drug addiction
- The Primary Prevention of Hepatitis C among Inject...
- Food and the Family: Weighing the Power of Culinar...
- Gps 'failing to help people with eating disorders'
- Shaping PCT provider services